Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Emotional Development Erik Erikson s...

Key concepts in Unit 2 Social Emotional Development Erik Erikson s Psychosocial Development: 8 stages 1. Trust vs. Mistrust: Trust: When parents provide everything the child needs, the child would believe that the world is reliable. Mistrust: When parents do not provide everything the child need, the child would believe that the world is dangerous, and undependable. 2. Autonomy vs. Shame: Autonomy: when parents give their toddlers encouragements and are patient with them, the kids would be able to manipulate different problems by themselves. Shame: when parents demand their toddler to do difficult things early the child will develop insecurity, they feel that they can’t do it and feel ashamed of themselves. 3. Initiative vs. Guilt: Initiative: when parents encourage kids to do bigger thing, kids tend to develop courage and independence. Guilt: when parents teach their kids to give up, and stop trying when things turn hard, their child develop guilt because they feel that they can’t do anything. 4. Industry(competence) vs. Inferiority: Industry: when you always encourage your kids and reward them for the things they do, children exhibit industry. Inferiority: When you often punish kids every time they try to accomplish new tasks, they feel that they are not capable and often feel inferior. 5. Ego identity Vs. Role Confusion: Identity: At this stage adolescents establish their sexual identity, and their desire to be part of a society and fit in. Role Confusion: At thisShow MoreRelatedErikson’S Contributions To Human Development. Erik Erikson1033 Words   |  5 PagesErikson’s Contributions to Human Development Erik Erikson was a man whose interests varied widely. He studied art and a variety of languages during his schooling. 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